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English Scholarship Promo

A video series promoting the a scholarship within the English department. Involving many different visual and audio elements, 


CyberAware Podcast

A podcast highlighting cybersecurity awareness, produced multiple seasons, responsible for recording, editing, and publishing. 

Real Estate Promo

Promoting a property local to San Diego. I assembled, applied color correction, and produced the graphics.

Esports Roster Reveal

Involved capturing and processing a photo or video for each member of the teams, then compositing them into the video. 

Rockstar Energy Esports Invitational

A promotional piece to promote the esports invitational tournament sponsored by Rockstar Energy and Version1. 

International series: Korea

A video series promoting the university internationally. For the Korea video, I generated and tracked a background fill replacement where there were bright reflections, as well as color correction and audio. 

Maverick Machine Band

This was the most complex audio project I had worked on, involving 8 different audio tracks, between 2 locations, on different days.

Stop Motion Scooter

This video used a series of photos with a low frame rate. This required some careful planning and measuring to get the right distance and angle for each shot.


Corporate Partner of the Year

Our team filmed a local business for their upcoming award for the university. Involving color correction between two different cameras and multiple audio sources.


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More coming soon

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